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     ≡  Kieren Fallon

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§EclipseKerjacques # 8 ≡ Kieren Fallon soupçonné de magouilles
163 posts depuis
le 31/3/2005
De : Languedoc
Cela fait la une du site attheraces.com aujourd'hui, Kieren Fallon est soupçonné (ainsi que d'autres) d'avoir magouillé pour les arrivées des courses, entre décembre 2002 et septembre 2004.
Voici l'article complet :
Fallon charged by police
03 Jul 2006

Kieren Fallon was among five people charged on Monday morning as part of an investigation into alleged horse racing corruption, police said.

Fallon, along with fellow riders Fergal Lynch and Darren Williams, were charged with conspiracy to defraud Betfair customers.

Former racing syndicate director Miles Rodgers was also charged with conspiracy to defraud and an offence under the Proceeds of Crime Act while Darren Armitage and Brian Pilkington, both from Barnsley, have also been charged under the same Act.

Joanne Richardson, who is believed to be Rodgers' partner, is accused of an offence under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

Police said the charges were in relation to allegations of fixing the outcomes of races between December 1, 2002 and September 2, 2004.

Fallon, 41, arrived at the police station at 9.15am, wearing jeans and a dark top, and had slipped inside the front entrance without speaking to waiting reporters. He left the police station just over 20 minutes later accompanied by another man dressed in a suit, thought to be his lawyer. Both of them got into a silver Mercedes before being driven away.

Fallon made no comment as he was rushed out of the building.

Rodgers arrived a few minutes later before leaving at around 10.15am, without commenting to waiting reporters. Another of those due to answer bail, Middleham trainer Karl Burke, also entered the police station at around 9.45am but left within 15 minutes.

He later confirmed that he has been released from bail, saying: "I was released without charge."

The Horseracing Regulatory Authority are expected to make a statement later on Monday concerning the licences of Fallon, Lynch and Williams.
03.07.06 - 20:39 Profil



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