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     ≡  International Stakes (York/2000/750000€/3+)

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§EclipseKerjacques # 4 ≡ Re: International Stakes (York/2000/750000€/3+)
163 posts depuis
le 31/3/2005
De : Languedoc
J'ai trouvé la réponse dans le Racing Post du jour :
"DAY one of York's Ebor Festival has been abandoned due to a waterlogged track.

Wednesday's fixture is also in doubt, with officials having called a 4pm inspection for this afternoon.

Heavy overnight rain on the Knavesmire left today's meeting untenable after an 8.30am inspection was called early this morning.

This afternoon's six-race card was set to feature a mouthwatering duel between Duke Of Marmalade and New Approach in the Group 1 Juddmonte International Stakes. Officials hope to run that contest and the Great Voltigeur later in the week.

Clerk of the course William Derby accepted he was left with no option but to abandon.

He said: "We've abandoned racing for today following 11mm of overnight rain.

"There has also been continuing rain this morning, which started up again at around 8am.

"We will also hold an inspection at 4pm for racing for the rest of the week."

Derby is, however, investigating the possibility of rescheduling Tuesday's three Group races for later in the week.

"We are looking at the feasibility with the British Horseracing Authority and other parties at staging today's Group races later this week," he added.

"We will make an announcement on thisissue later in the day." "
19.08.08 - 12:08 Profil



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