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     ≡  Monmouth Park - July 24, 2010 - Lady's Secret Stakes -

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§ivct # 13 ≡ Re: Monmouth Park - July 24, 2010 - Lady's Secret Stakes -
Groupe I
Groupe I
5900 posts depuis
le 4/7/2010
Citation :
Ben je m'étais habitué à ses victoires par quinze ou vingt longueurs!

voici 2 témoignages ,contradictoires ,qui peuvent éclairer sur les conditions extrèmes de cette course....

seule,Rachel,pourra nous en dire plus..dans sa prochaine course,si ,toutefois, température & l'humidité...baissent un poil.... :-P

..." John Fulton

I love Rachel and always will but I don't think she is the filly that she was last year. It was not an impressive win over very ordinary fillies in a slow time. I hope she moves forward off of this race to return to the form of last year. Right now i don't see that she is still the super filly that she was last year. "

..." Marilyn Miller-Maini

OK now, I don't like having to post the same thing on two different places, but think about it. I was there and the temperature was 103, the heat index was even higher. Tracks all over the area were shutting down which leads me to believe... that had Rachel not been running Monmouth probably would have closed too. People were wilting never mind the horses that were running poor things. As a matter of fact, there were some horses that didn't finish their race due to the heat. So why would you take your star horse in those kind of conditions, make her win by 20 lengths just because she can, yet subject her to heat stroke, when you can have her win by 3 and get the job done so you will have your horse to run again tomorrow. I say Bravo Rachel and her connections!! Well done!
And a great job at looking after your horse!! "

bonne journée à tous !

(j'ai cru comprendre qu'il faisait entre 40 & 43 degrés celsius....et l'humidité : au top ...) :-o

25.07.10 - 18:25 Profil



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