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     ≡  Prix Louis Tillaye - 12/11/12 - 120.000 € (Gr. II, monté)

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§UaUka1 # 7 ≡ Re: Prix Louis Tillaye - 12/11/12 - 120.000 € (Gr. II, monté)
251 posts depuis
le 15/1/2011
Citation :

Dear Johnatt
Why run for a record when the winter meeting just started?
Why should V.P beat his other "conquérance" with 20longues.....for the sake of spectacle.....isn't better to take things more calmer and preserve VP and that 60K easily.?
Why should VP run against Vanika for the sake of the sport and spectacle? or Vanika runs for 2eme ou 3eme place against VP?
VP is programmed till Le prix de Pres. Republique ......also his carrer etalon will start 2013.
But to put the records straight.....VP has the record of France of the 3ans....for the fastest horse in the history of France for both diciplines before Pearl Queen and Timoko. Mde. Sharmila Dass ... vanishing.point@aol.com
13.11.12 - 15:01 Profil



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